This is life. This is how I see it. I want to remember the everyday. The little things that we did. Whether it’s a trip to the local café or park, or just hanging around at home.
Capturing the everyday makes for great memories. Whether you just want a natural & candid shot for the wall or you love scrapbooking where capturing the everyday truly
shows your life, I’d love to capture these moments for you.
If you would like to book a family photography session or 'Life Capturing Session' with me I will be giving all clients a mini album as part of their offer.
Life Capturing Session includes the following:
• Shots Unlimited Colour Digital shots – taken within time frame
• Editing Approx 70-100 shots edited – colour enhancement, B&W conversion etc.
• Prints 6”x4” size, mix of B&W + colour prints.
Prints have a matte finish = approx 70-100 prints
Prints have a matte finish = approx 70-100 prints
• CD All photos burnt to CD in jpeg format (edited & unedited)
+ personalised CD Cover
• Negatives Provision of all shots taken in high res format – digital negatives
• Time & travel Approximately 1 hour at the location of your choice
Cost: $195 Until mini albums are all gone. Limited number available.