Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Word for 2011

Every year Ali Edwards encourages everyone to source one little word to focus on for yourself. It didn't take me long to work out my word of focus for 2011...
What will your word be for 2011??



[greys] Show IPAnoun, verb, graced, grac·ing.
elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action.
a pleasing or attractive quality or endowment.
favor or good will.
a manifestation of favor, esp. by a superior

New Logo

I have been thinking about a new logo for sometime now and finally I have released it! I love my new little birdy. It took me ages to find something I truly loved. I am also working on my new website and as soon as I have the text sections complete I will launching it! Yay. I love a New Year - a fresh time to focus on what needs to be achieved for the year and a chance to try even harder.
Happy New Year

Gorgeous Wedding

The dust has settled and finally I have time to do a post! This is a wedding from late last year and it was simply gorgeous! Congratulations Kirsten & Simon. A beautiful day and I had a ball with you guys.


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